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Innovating Democracy by Turning the Rubik’s Cube

“Fatemeh, I think it would be great if we could organize a podcast interview about innovation in democracy!” That is what Miguel de Fontenay, my former colleague from my previous corporate life, announced to me at the beginning of a

Saving Our Digital Selves: Personalisation, Habermas & the GDPR

The motto of the 1933 World’s Fair in Chicago triumphantly reads, “Science Finds, Industry Applies, Man Conforms.” Such a motto paints a deterministic picture of science as unreflectively accumulating bits of knowledge, independent of final ends and applications. Science is

Homing in on Housing Desegregation

Case Study 1: Madrid, Spain, January 2021 Amidst the worst snowstorm in a century, with temperatures below –10ºC, thousands of people living in Madrid’s Cañada Real settlement struggled to keep themselves warm in their homes, lacking access to electricity. Cañada