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Is the European Green Deal capable of flying everyone to the moon?  Q&A Session with Filippo Addarii

Filippo Addarii

Birth is not a destiny. Europe has given me the opportunity to choose where to live, work and with whom to spend my life. Therefore I’m still committed to the European enterprise although I’ve been repeatedly disappointed by politics and institutions. While I was born in Bologna, today I live in London – another disappointment with politics! Despite Brexit I haven’t left because it’s the best place to be a workaholic. In 2015, Fiorenza Lipparini and I founded PlusValue Advisory, which chaperones the largest international market players in the transition towards sustainability. My job could be described as akin to teaching white sharks how to appreciate a greener diet without turning into their next meal in the meantime. Why Accidental European? Here, I found the best of Europe: people of all kinds who are defined not by their origin, but the destination – our promised land. My secret plan? To change the DNA of capitalism. The RNA based-vaccine is showing promising results!
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